Fyodor Dostoevsky![]() The Brothers Karamazov Book II Chapter 7 Table of Contents Catalogue of Titles Logos Virtual Library ![]() Catalogue |
The Brothers Karamazov Translated by Constance Garnett Part One Book II. An Unfortunate Gathering Chapter 7: A Young Man Bent on a Career Alyosha helped Father Zossima to his bedroom and seated him on his bed. It was a little room furnished with the bare necessities. There was a narrow iron bedstead, with a strip of felt for a mattress. In the corner, under the ikons, was a reading-desk with a cross and the Gospel lying on it. The elder sank exhausted on the bed. His eyes glittered and he breathed hard. He looked intently at Alyosha, as though considering something. Go, my dear boy, go. Porfiry is enough for me. Make haste, you are needed there, go and wait at the Father Superiors table. Let me stay here, Alyosha entreated. You are more needed there. There is no peace there. You will wait, and be of service. If evil spirits rise up, repeat a prayer. And remember, my Alyosha started. What is it? This is not your place for the time. I bless you for great service in the world. Yours will be a long pilgrimage. And you will have to take a wife, too. You will have to bear all before you come back. There will be much to do. But I dont doubt of you, and so I send you forth. Christ is with you. Do not abandon Him and He will not abandon you. You will see great sorrow, and in that sorrow you will be happy. This is my last message to you: in sorrow seek happiness. Work, work unceasingly. Remember my words, for although I shall talk with you again, not only my days but my hours are numbered. Alyoshas face again betrayed strong emotion. The corners of his mouth quivered. What is it again? Father Zossima asked, smiling gently. The worldly may follow the dead with tears, but here we rejoice over the father who is departing. We rejoice and pray for him. Leave me, I must pray. Go, and make haste. Be near your brothers. And not near one only, but near both. Father Zossima raised his hand to bless him. Alyosha could make no protest, though he had a great longing to remain. He longed, moreover, to ask the significance of his bowing to Dmitri, the question was on the tip of his tongue, but he dared not ask it. He knew that the elder would have explained it unasked if he had thought fit. But evidently it was not his will. That action had made a terrible impression on Alyosha; he believed blindly in its mysterious significance. Mysterious, and perhaps awful. As he hastened out of the hermitage precincts to reach the monastery in time to serve at the Father Superiors dinner, he felt a sudden pang at his heart, and stopped short. He seemed to hear again Father Zossimas words, foretelling his approaching end. What he had foretold so exactly must infallibly come to pass. Alyosha believed that implicitly. But how could he go? He had told him not to weep, and to leave the monastery. Good God! It was long since Alyosha had known such anguish. He hurried through the copse that divided the monastery from the hermitage, and unable to bear the burden of his thoughts, he gazed at the ancient pines beside the path. He had not far to go about five hundred paces. He expected to meet no one at that hour, but at the first turn of the path he noticed Rakitin. He was waiting for someone. Are you waiting for me? asked Alyosha, overtaking him. Yes, grinned Rakitin. You are hurrying to the Father Superior, I know; he has a banquet. Theres not been such a banquet since the Superior entertained the Bishop and General Pahatov, do you remember? I shant be there, but you go and hand the sauces. Tell me one thing, Alexey, what does that vision mean? Thats what I want to ask you. What vision? That bowing to your brother, Dmitri. And didnt he tap the ground with his forehead, too! You speak of Father Zossima? Yes, of Father Zossima, Tapped the ground? Ah, an irreverent expression! Well, what of it? Anyway, what does that vision mean? I dont know what it means, Misha. I knew he wouldnt explain it to you! Theres nothing wonderful about it, of course, only the usual holy mummery. But there was an object in the performance. All the pious people in the town will talk about it and spread the story through the province, wondering what it meant. To my thinking the old man really has a keen nose; he sniffed a crime. Your house stinks of it. Rakitin evidently had something he was eager to speak of. Itll be in your family, this crime. Between your brothers and your rich old father. So Father Zossima flopped down to be ready for what may turn up. If something happens later on, itll be: Ah, the holy man foresaw it, prophesied it! though its a poor sort of prophecy, flopping like that. Ah, but it was symbolic, theyll say, an allegory, and the devil knows what all! Itll be remembered to his glory: He predicted the crime and marked the criminal! Thats always the way with these crazy fanatics; they cross themselves at the tavern and throw stones at the temple. Like your elder, he takes a stick to a just man and falls at the feet of a murderer. What crime? What do you mean? Alyosha stopped dead. Rakitin stopped, too. What murderer? As though you didnt know! Ill bet youve thought of it before. Thats interesting, too, by the way. Listen, Alyosha, you always speak the truth, though youre always between two stools. Have you thought of it or not? Answer. I have, answered Alyosha in a low voice. Even Rakitin was taken aback. What? Have you really? he cried. I . . . Ive not exactly thought it, muttered Alyosha, but directly you began speaking so strangely, I fancied I had thought of it myself. You see? (And how well you expressed it!) Looking at your father and your brother Mitya to-day you thought of a crime. Then Im not mistaken? But wait, wait a minute, Alyosha broke in uneasily. What has led you to see all this? Why does it interest you? Thats the first question. Two questions, disconnected, but natural. Ill deal with them separately. What led me to see it? I shouldnt have seen it, if I hadnt suddenly understood your brother Dmitri, seen right into the very heart of him all at once. I caught the whole man from one trait. These very honest but passionate people have a line which mustnt be crossed. If it were, hed run at your father with a knife. But your fathers a drunken and abandoned old sinner, who can never draw the No, Misha, no. If thats all, youve reassured me. It wont come to that. But why are you trembling? Let me tell you; he may be honest, our Mitya (he is stupid, but honest), but You are mistaken about that woman. Dmitri despises her, said Alyosha, with a sort of shudder. Grushenka? No, brother, he doesnt despise her. Since he has openly abandoned his betrothed for her, he doesnt despise her. Theres something here, my dear boy, that you dont understand yet. A man will fall in love with some beauty, with a womans body, or even with a part of a womans body (a sensualist can understand that), and hell abandon his own children for her, sell his father and mother, and his country, Russia, too. If hes honest, hell steal; if hes humane, hell murder; if hes faithful, hell deceive. Pushkin, the poet of womens feet, sung of their feet in his verse. Others dont sing their praises, but they cant look at their feet without a I understand that, Alyosha jerked out suddenly. Really? Well, I dare say you do understand, since you blurt it out at the first word, said Rakitin, malignantly. That escaped you unawares, and the confessions the more precious. So its a familiar subject; youve thought about it already, about sensuality, I mean! Oh, you virgin soul! Youre a quiet one, Alyosha, youre a saint, I know, but the devil only knows what youve thought about, and what you know already! You are pure, but youve been down into the Thank her and say Im not coming, said Alyosha, with a strained smile. Finish what you were saying, Misha. Ill tell you my idea after. Theres nothing to finish. Its all clear. Its the same old tune, brother. If even you are a sensualist at heart, what of your brother, Ivan? Hes a Karamazov, too. What is at the root of all you Karamazovs is that youre all sensual, grasping and crazy! Your brother Ivan writes theological articles in joke, for some idiotic, unknown motive of his own, though hes an atheist, and he admits its a fraud How do you know? How can you speak so confidently? Alyosha asked sharply, frowning. Why do you ask, and are frightened at my answer? It shows that you know Im speaking the truth. You dont like Ivan. Ivan wouldnt be tempted by money. Really? And the beauty of Katerina Ivanovna? Its not only the money, though a fortune of sixty thousand is an attraction. Ivan is above that. He wouldnt make up to anyone for thousands. It is not money, its not comfort Ivan is seeking. Perhaps its suffering he is seeking. What wild dream now? Oh, you aristocrats! Ah, Misha, he has a stormy spirit. His mind is in bondage. He is haunted by a great, unsolved doubt. He is one of those who dont want millions, but an answer to their questions. Thats plagiarism, Alyosha. Youre quoting your elders phrases. Ah, Ivan has set you a problem! cried Rakitin, with undisguised malice. His face changed, and his lips twitched. And the problems a stupid one. It is no good guessing it. Rack your Rakitin could hardly restrain himself in his heat, but, suddenly, as though remembering something, he stopped short. Well, thats enough, he said, with a still more crooked smile. Why are you laughing? Do you think Im a vulgar fool? No, I never dreamed of thinking you a vulgar fool. You are clever And jealous of her money, too? Wont you add that? Ill say nothing about money. I am not going to insult you. I believe it, since you say so, but confound you, and your brother Ivan with you. Dont you understand that one might very well dislike him, apart from Katerina Ivanovna. And why the devil should I like him? He condescends to abuse me, you know. Why havent I a right to abuse him? I never heard of his saying anything about you, good or bad. He doesnt speak of you at all. But I heard that the day before yesterday at Katerina Ivanovnas he was abusing me for all he was Ah, Misha, thats just what will really happen, every word of it, cried Alyosha, unable to restrain a good-humoured smile. You are pleased to be sarcastic, too, Alexey Fyodorovitch. No, no, Im joking, forgive me. Ive something quite different in my mind. But, excuse me, who can have told you all this? You cant have been at Katerina Ivanovnas yourself when he was talking about you? I wasnt there, but Dmitri Fyodorovitch was; and I heard him tell it with my own ears; if you want to know, he didnt tell me, but I overheard him, unintentionally, of course, for I was sitting in Grushenkas bedroom and I couldnt go away because Dmitri Fyodorovitch was in the next room. Oh yes, Id forgotten she was a relation of yours. A relation! That Grushenka a relation of mine! cried Rakitin, turning crimson. Are you mad? Youre out of your mind! Why, isnt she a relation of yours? I heard so. Where can you have heard it? You Karamazovs brag of being an ancient, noble family, though your father used to run about playing the buffoon at other mens tables, and was only admitted to the kitchen as a favour. I may be only a priests son, and dirt in the eyes of noblemen like you, but dont insult me so lightly and wantonly. I have a sense of honour, too, Alexey Fyodorovitch, I couldnt be a relation of Grushenka, a common harlot. I beg you to understand that! Rakitin was intensely irritated. Forgive me, for goodness sake, I had no I may have reasons of my own for visiting her. Thats not your business. But as for relationship, your brother, or even your father, is more likely to make her yours than mine. Well, here we are. Youd better go to the kitchen. Hullo! whats wrong, what is it? Are we late? They cant have finished dinner so soon! Have the Karamazovs been making trouble again? No doubt they have. Heres your father and your brother Ivan after him. Theyve broken out from the Father Superiors. And look, Father Isidors shouting out something after them from the steps. And your fathers shouting and waving his arms. I expect hes swearing. Bah, and there goes Miusov driving away in his carriage. You see, hes going. And theres old Maximov There was reason for Rakitins exclamations. There had been a scandalous, an unprecedented scene. It had all come from the impulse of a moment.