Fyodor Dostoevsky![]() The Brothers Karamazov Book IV Chapter 7 Table of Contents Catalogue of Titles Logos Virtual Library ![]() Catalogue |
The Brothers Karamazov Translated by Constance Garnett Part Two Book IV. Lacerations Chapter 7: And in the Open Air The air is fresh, but in my apartment it is not so in any sense of the word. Let us walk slowly, sir. I should be glad of your kind interest. I too have something important to say to you, observed Alyosha, only I dont know how to begin. To be sure you must have business with me. You would never have looked in upon me without some object. Unless you come simply to complain of the boy, and thats hardly likely. And, by the way, about the boy: I could not explain to you in there, but here I will describe that scene to you. My tow was thicker a week I swear, cried Alyosha, that my brother will express his most deep and sincere regret, even if he has to go down on his knees in that same market- Aha, then its only a suggestion! And it does not come from him but simply from the generosity of your own warm heart. You should have said so. No, in that case allow me to tell you of your brothers highly chivalrous soldierly generosity, for he did give expression to it at the time. He left off dragging me by my beard and released me: You are an officer, he said, and I am an officer, if you can find a decent man to be your second send me your challenge. I will give satisfaction, though you are a scoundrel. Thats what he said. A chivalrous spirit indeed! I retired with Ilusha, and that scene is a family record imprinted forever on Ilushas soul. No, its not for us to claim the privileges of noblemen. Judge for yourself. Youve just been in our mansion, what did you see there? Three ladies, one a cripple and weak-minded, another a cripple and hunchback and the third not crippled but far too clever. She is a student, dying to get back to Petersburg, to work for the emancipation of the Russian woman on the banks of the Neva. I wont speak of Ilusha, he is only nine. I am alone in the world, and if I die, what will become of all of them? I simply ask you that. And if I challenge him and he kills me on the spot, what then? What will become of them? And worse still, if he doesnt kill me but only cripples me: I couldnt work, but I should still be a mouth to feed. Who would feed it and who would feed them all? Must I take Ilusha from school and send him to beg in the streets? Thats what it means for me to challenge him to a duel. Its silly talk and nothing else. He will beg your forgiveness, he will bow down at your feet in the middle of the marketplace, cried Alyosha again, with glowing eyes. I did think of prosecuting him, the captain went on, but look in our code, could I get much compensation for a personal injury? And then Agrafena Alexandrovna sent for me and shouted at me: Dont dare to dream of it! If you proceed against him, Ill publish it to all the world that he beat you for your dishonesty, and then you will be prosecuted. I call God to witness whose was the dishonesty and by whose commands I acted, wasnt it by her own and Fyodor Pavlovitchs? And whats more, she went on, Ill dismiss you for good and youll never earn another penny from me. Ill speak to my merchant too (thats what she calls her old man) and he will dismiss you! And if he dismisses me, what can I earn then from anyone? Those two are all I have to look to, for your Fyodor Pavlovitch has not only given over employing me, for another reason, but he means to make use of papers Ive signed to go to law against me. And so I kept quiet, and you have seen our retreat. But now let me ask you: did Ilusha hurt your finger much? I didnt like to go into it in our mansion before him. Yes, very much, and he was in a great fury. He was avenging you on me as a Karamazov, I see that now. But if only you had seen how he was throwing stones at his schoolfellows! Its very dangerous. They might kill him. They are children and stupid. A stone may be thrown and break somebodys head. Thats just what has happened. He has been bruised by a stone to-day. Not on the head but on the chest, just above the heart. He came home crying and groaning and now he is ill. And you know he attacks them first. He is bitter against them on your account. They say he stabbed a boy called Krassotkin with a penknife not long ago. Ive heard about that too, its dangerous. Krassotkin is an official here, we may hear more about it. I would advise you, Alyosha went on warmly, not to send him to school at all for a time till he is calmer and his anger is passed. Anger! the captain repeated, thats just what it is. He is a little creature, but its a mighty anger. You dont know all, sir. Let me tell you more. Since that incident all the boys have been teasing him about the wisp of tow. Schoolboys are a merciless race, individually they are angels, but together, especially in schools, they are often merciless. Their teasing has stiffed up a gallant spirit in Ilusha. An ordinary boy, a weak son, would have submitted, have felt ashamed of his father, sir, but he stood up for his father against them all. For his father and for truth and justice. For what he suffered when he kissed your brothers hand and cried to him Forgive father, forgive On the third day when he came back from school, I saw he looked pale and wretched. What is it? I asked. He wouldnt answer. Well, theres no talking in our mansion without mamma and the girls taking part in it. Whats more, the girls had heard about it the very first day. Varvara had begun snarling. You fools and buffoons, can you ever do anything rational? Quite so, I said, can we ever do anything rational? For the time I turned it off like that. So in the evening I took the boy out for a walk, for you must know we go for a walk every evening, always the same way, along which we are going But he began to come home from school badly beaten, I found out about it the day before yesterday, and you are right, I wont send him to that school any more. I heard that he was standing up against all the class alone and defying them all, that his heart was full of resentment, of That was the day before yesterday, in the evening, but last night everything was changed. He had gone to school in the morning, he came back depressed, terribly depressed. In the evening I took him by the hand and we went for a walk; he would not talk. There was a wind blowing and no sun, and a feeling of autumn; twilight was coming on. We walked along, both of us depressed. Well, my boy, said I, how about our setting off on our travels? I thought I might bring him back to our talk of the day before. He didnt answer, but I felt his fingers trembling in my hand. Ah, I thought, its a bad job; theres something fresh. We had reached the stone where we are now. I sat down on the stone. And in the air there were lots of kites flapping and whirling. There were as many as thirty in sight. Of course, its just the season for the kites. Look, Ilusha, said I, its time we got out our last years kite again. Ill mend it; where have you put it away? My boy made no answer. He looked away and turned sideways to me. And then a gust of wind blew up the sand. He suddenly fell on me, threw both his little arms round my neck and held me tight. You know, when children are silent and proud, and try to keep back their tears when they are in great trouble and suddenly break down, their tears fall in streams. With those warm streams of tears, he suddenly wetted my face. He sobbed and shook as though he were in convulsions, and squeezed up against me as I sat on the stone. Father, he kept crying, dear father, how he insulted you! And I sobbed too. We sat shaking in each others arms. Ilusha, I said to him, Ilusha, darling. No one saw us then. God alone saw us; I hope He will record it to my credit. You must thank your brother, Alexey Fyodorovitch. No, sir, I wont thrash my boy for your satisfaction. He had gone back to his original tone of resentful buffoonery. Alyosha felt, though, that he trusted him, and that if there had been someone else in his, Alyoshas place, the man would not have spoken so openly and would not have told what he had just told. This encouraged Alyosha, whose heart was trembling on the verge of tears. Ah, how I would like to make friends with your boy! he cried. If you could arrange Certainly, sir, muttered the captain. But now listen to something quite different! Alyosha went on. I have a message for you. That same brother of mine, Dmitri, has insulted his betrothed, too, a noble-hearted girl of whom you have probably heard. I have a right to tell you of her wrong; I ought to do so, in fact, for, hearing of the insult done to you and learning all about your unfortunate position, she commissioned me at They were both standing at the time by the great stone close to the fence, and there was no one near. The notes seemed to produce a tremendous impression on the captain. He started, but at first only from astonishment. Such an outcome of their conversation was the last thing he expected. Nothing could have been farther from his dreams than help from He took the notes, and for a minute he was almost unable to answer, quite a new expression came into his face. That for me? So much I swear that all I told you is the truth, cried Alyosha. The captain flushed red. Listen, my dear, listen. If I take it, I shant be behaving like a scoundrel? In your eyes, Alexey Fyodorovitch, I shant be a scoundrel? No, Alexey Fyodorovitch, listen, listen, he hurried, touching Alyosha with both his hands. You are persuading me to take it, saying that its a sister sends it, but inwardly, in your heart wont you feel contempt for me if I take it, eh? No, no, on my salvation I swear I shant! And no one will ever know but Never mind the lady! Listen, Alexey Fyodorovitch, at a moment like this you must listen, for you cant understand what these two hundred roubles mean to me now. The poor fellow went on rising gradually into a sort of incoherent, almost wild enthusiasm. He was thrown off his balance and talked extremely fast, as though afraid he would not be allowed to say all he had to say. Besides its being honestly acquired from a sister, so highly respected and revered, do you know that now I can look after mamma and Nina, my hunchback angel daughter? Doctor Herzenstube came to me in the kindness of his heart and was examining them both for a whole hour. I can make nothing of it, said he, but he prescribed a mineral water which is kept at a chemists here. He said it would be sure to do her good, and he ordered baths, too, with some medicine in them. The mineral water costs thirty copecks, and shed need to drink forty bottles perhaps: so I took the prescription and laid it on the shelf under the ikons, and there it lies. And he ordered hot baths for Nina with something dissolved in them, morning and evening. But how can we carry out such a cure in our mansion, without servants, without help, without a bath, and without water? Nina is rheumatic all over, I dont think I told you that. All her right side aches at night, she is in agony, and, would you believe it, the angel bears it without groaning for fear of waking us. We eat what we can get, and shell only take the leavings, what youd scarcely give to a dog. I am not worth it, I am taking it from you, I am a burden on you, thats what her angel eyes try to express. We wait on her, but she doesnt like it. I am a useless cripple, no good to anyone. As though she were not worth it, when she is the saving of all of us with her angelic sweetness. Without her, without her gentle word it would be hell among us! She softens even Varvara. And dont judge Varvara harshly either, she is an angel too, she, too, has suffered wrong. She came to us for the summer, and she brought sixteen roubles she had earned by lessons and saved up, to go back with to Petersburg in September, that is now. But we took her money and lived on it, so now she has nothing to go back with. Though indeed she couldnt go back, for she has to work for us like a slave. She is like an overdriven horse with all of us on her back. She waits on us all, mends and washes, sweeps the floor, puts mamma to bed. And mamma is capricious and tearful and insane! And now I can get a servant with this money, you understand, Alexey Fyodorovitch, I can get medicines for the dear creatures, I can send my student to Petersburg, I can buy beef, I can feed them properly. Good Lord, but its a dream! Alyosha was delighted that he had brought him such happiness and that the poor fellow had consented to be made happy. Stay, Alexey Fyodorovitch, stay, the captain began to talk with frenzied rapidity, carried away by a new day-dream. Do you know that Ilusha and I will perhaps really carry out our dream. We will buy a horse and cart, a black horse, he insists on its being black, and we will set off as we pretended the other day. I have an old friend, a lawyer in K. province, and I heard through a trustworthy man that if I were to go hed give me a place as clerk in his office, so, who knows, maybe he would. So Id just put mamma and Nina in the cart, and Ilusha could drive, and Id walk, Id There would be enough! cried Alyosha. Katerina Ivanovna will send you as much more as you need, and you know, I have money too, take what you want, as you would from a brother, from a friend, you can give it back Alyosha could have hugged him, he was so pleased. But glancing at him he stopped short. The man was standing with his neck outstretched and his lips protruding, with a pale and frenzied face. His lips were moving as though trying to articulate something; no sound came, but still his lips moved. It was uncanny. What is it? asked Alyosha, startled. Alexey What trick? A pretty trick, whispered the captain. His mouth was twisted on the left side, his left eye was screwed up. He still stared at Alyosha. What is the matter? What trick? Alyosha cried, now thoroughly alarmed. Why, look, squealed the captain suddenly, and showing him the two notes which he had been holding by one corner between his thumb and forefinger during the conversation, he crumpled them up savagely and squeezed them tight in his right hand. Do you see, do you see? he shrieked, pale and infuriated. And suddenly flinging up his hand, he threw the crumpled notes on the sand. Do you see? he shrieked again, pointing to them. Look there! And with wild fury he began trampling them under his heel, gasping and exclaiming as he did so: So much for your money! So much for your money! So much for your money! So much for your money! Suddenly he darted back and drew himself up before Alyosha, and his whole figure expressed unutterable pride. Tell those who sent you that the wisp of tow does not sell his honour, he cried, raising his arm in the air. Then he turned quickly and began to run; but he had not run five steps before he turned completely round and kissed his hand to Alyosha. He ran another five paces and then turned round for the last time. This time his face was not contorted with laughter, but quivering all over with tears. In a tearful, faltering, sobbing voice he cried: What should I say to my boy if I took money from you for our shame? And then he ran on without turning. Alyosha looked after him, inexpressibly grieved. Oh, he saw that till the very last moment the man had not known he would crumple up and fling away the notes. He did not turn back. Alyosha knew he would not. He would not follow him and call him back, he knew why. When he was out of sight, Alyosha picked up the two notes. They were very much crushed and crumpled, and had been pressed into the sand, but were uninjured and even rustled like new ones when Alyosha unfolded them and smoothed them out. After smoothing them out, he folded them up, put them in his pocket and went to Katerina Ivanovna to report on the success of her commission.