Saint Ignatius of Antioch

(Longer Version)

Chapter 10

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Saint Ignatius of Antioch (30-107)

Epistle to the Romans

Longer Version

Translated by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson

Chapter 10

Now I write these things to you from Smyrna by the Ephesians, who are deservedly most happy. There is also with me, along with many others, Crocus, one dearly beloved by me. As to those who have gone before me from Syria to Rome for the glory of God, I believe that you are acquainted with them; to whom, [then,] do ye make known that I am at hand. For they are all worthy, both of God and of you; and it is becoming that you should refresh them in all things. I have written these things unto you on the day before the ninth of the Kalends of September. Fare ye well to the end, in the patience of Jesus Christ.

Chapter 9

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